We hope you got pampered and completely spoilt this Merry Christmas! just like our favourite Maremma Jack #merrychristmas #maremma #holidays #spoilt #pampered
Since we see nothing but eggs, eggs, eggs, and Christmas day is half-spent collecting eggs, our snowman is also made entirely out of eggs 😊 We get all sort of eggs at the farm: they don’t always fit the ‘standard’ box of the egg cartons.
We get double-yolker eggs that weigh more than 120grams each – and that’s a good one for the base of our snowman. We get eggs that are a good decent size and fit the egg box that can fit inside a supermarket shelf – and that’s the middle of our snowman. We also get eggs that are teeny-tiny, weighing just a few grams, looking like bantam eggs – and that is our snowman’s head. From the smallest to the giant, all eggs bring joy and fun, if you look at things the right way. One piece of good news: this snowman won’t wet the bed by morning 😊 and makes some mean pavlova base! Merry Christmas and best of the holidays to everyone! From the Hilltops free range egg farm #eggs #snowman #pastured #fun #farmlife #christmas #chickenedout #fun #art #farmart #allshapesandsizes #smallesttothebiggest Chickens boosting the carbon sink that is our farm: our paddocks at the start of summer, where we have just recently moved a flock of chickens with their mobile caravans, and how the grass springs afterwards. You can see the new position of the chicken caravans and mobile infrastructure in the distance, in the next paddock up.
The free-roaming chickens, without floors and limits 24/7 and always outdoors, help improve the carbon absorption at the farm, directly benefiting the environment and our collective future. Thank you to all our customers for buying our pastured eggs! With your purchase, you enable us to improve carbon absorption and have a direct benefit to reduce climate change and its negative impacts. A carbon sink can include plants and soil, and everything else that absorbs more carbon than it releases into the atmosphere. #carbonsink #pastured #eggs #chickens #improvements #soil #grass #green #pasture #carbonabsorption #reduceclimatechange #thankyou “The Grass so little has to do --…
With only Butterflies to brood And Bees to entertain -- … And stir all day to pretty Tunes” A hectic day: chickens running all around, sheep breaking fences and getting where they are not supposed to, dogs barking left right and centre, late to pack the truck, driver waiting, and then I turn around: the tallest grass of Summer, which ‘stirs all day’, just swinging in the wind, hiding the bees, the butterflies, and occasionally hiding a few chickens too... We all wish we were grass today! #grass #sway #wind #hiding #tallgrass #poetry #summer #farmlife #nothingtodo #poem --from the poem “The Grass so little has to do” by Emily Dickinson |
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January 2025