We get double-yolker eggs that weigh more than 120grams each – and that’s a good one for the base of our snowman. We get eggs that are a good decent size and fit the egg box that can fit inside a supermarket shelf – and that’s the middle of our snowman.
We also get eggs that are teeny-tiny, weighing just a few grams, looking like bantam eggs – and that is our snowman’s head.
From the smallest to the giant, all eggs bring joy and fun, if you look at things the right way. One piece of good news: this snowman won’t wet the bed by morning 😊 and makes some mean pavlova base!
Merry Christmas and best of the holidays to everyone!
From the Hilltops free range egg farm
#eggs #snowman #pastured #fun #farmlife #christmas #chickenedout #fun #art #farmart #allshapesandsizes #smallesttothebiggest