This season we are experimenting with not only rotational, but ‘conjoint’ rotational grazing. With the sheep in the same paddock as chickens, in addition to expanding the biodiversity in the farm, and the benefits for the soil humus buildup, we also found a surprise benefit: having the sheep roam around encourages chickens to lay all their eggs in the proper laying boxes. Less hidden eggs amongst tall grass. All credits to Prue. #symbiosis #friends #friendsinhighplaces #eggs #pastured #pasturedeggs #farming #soil #biodiversity
From dawn till dusk, work on the farm is never done... #farmlife #freerange #eggs #dawntilldusk #winternights
Every day can end beautifully, no matter what challenges one faced. Checking on the last flock for the day, and enjoying a sunset looking like a broken #pasturedegg between the sky and Earth. #myoffice #farmlife #pastured #eggs #freerange #sunset #beauty
We have won Champion award at the Sydney Royal Easter Show!
Thank you to all our customers for your support, you now know you are having the best eggs in NSW, and in ACT (after the 2018 Royal Canberra Poultry Show)! A big Thank YOU to all our farm team, for the love and hard work we all know poultry farming requires. Incredible support for rotational, sustainable farming, and pasture-based egg farming. Thank you #sydneyroyal_eastershow #champions #eggs #pasturedeggs #award #awardwinningeggs #thebesteggs |
How our eggs come to you
Follow news about our free range chickens and the fresh farm eggs we produce. CategoriesArchives
February 2025