Meet Malcolm - the poddy lamb we are raising at the farm, with everyone helping at all times of the day and night. Malcolm was found on the road and we don't know where his mother is. Among a sea of female chickens, our little boy is growing stronger every day. He enjoys the sun and already knows very well how to drink from the bottle.
Better eggs come from happy chickens with permanent lives in the outdoors that lead a normal - not overcrowded - social life, and supplement their diet with as much fresh greens as possible. This is our credo. This is what our chickens look like this afternoon on Hilltops Free Range farm. The best evidence that our credo results in better eggs comes from our customers: this photo of fantastic three double-yolkers in the breakfast pan was sent by a happy customer. The gift of a double yolker is usually a young hen’s work, but we like to think of it as joyful surprise package from a happy hen. Statisticians calculate the chance of a double yolker to be about 1 in 1,000, and so our customer can feel truly lucky.
Our chickens love fallen trees: in addition to the green plants full of vitamins and minerals they eat, the chickens peck at fallen trees with their claws and beaks in search of seeds, seedlings, fruits, insects and worms.
A fallen tree becomes a playground and a joyful bubbly gathering the the sun. Hilltops Free Range is honored to be a Finalist for the Telstra Business Awards 2019!
It is a testament to our belief in the sustainable, rotational innovative farming, in producing the highest quality food for our customers, and our passion for improving the soil for the next generations! It was especially touching to receive a hand-written congratulations card! Thank you, #telstrabizawards Training Maremma puppies: a game of patience, dedication and love.
We are training our new lovely puppies by spending one hour per day at first with the chickens, then increasing to two hours, then three hours, and so on. Two lovely puppies are joining Hilltops Free Range Eggs Farm team: a girl and a boy, and remind us everyday what unconditional true love is. Meet Judy: The chicken who likes to ride in the Land Cruiser and also lays her egg in the car every day! A brave new chicken-dog breed!
Photography by Juliana and Matteo |
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September 2024